The “main thing” . . . is to always keep the “main thing” . . . the “main thing.”
Spiritual Reading: available through most online booksellers
The Catholic Bible, especially the RSV revised edition for Catholics
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Compendium, YouCat
The Catholic Catechism for Adults by the American Bishops
Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales
The Three Ages of the Interior Life by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
The Soul of the Apostolate by Jean-Baptiste Chautard
The Way, The Furrow, and The Forge by Josemaria Escriva
In Conversation with God by Francisco Fernandez
Discover Christ, Follow Christ, and Share Christ by David Nodar
Making Missionary Disciples by Curtis Martin
The Fulfillment of All Desire by Ralph Martin
Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell
Navigating the Interior Life by Daniel Burke
33 Days to Greater Glory by Michael Gaitley
The Better Part by John Bartunek
Holy is His Name by Scott Hahn
The Willpower Advantage by Tom Peterson and Ryan Hanning
Foundations for Discipleship by Curtis Martin and Edward Sri
Online Resources: from trustworthy websites – David Nodar – Ralph Martin – Thomas Peterson
MyCatholic.Life – John Paul Thomas – Catholic Answers
WordOnFire.Institute – Bishop Robert Barron – The FORMED Series – National Catholic Register – The Pillar News – Pastoral Care unto Eternal Life
Prayer Requests. May I pray for you? Please click here to send me an email, and I will remember your special intentions not only at Mass but also when I recite the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the course of each day.
Please remember that, in addition to the public intentions at Mass, your private personal intentions are also included in every celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as well. May God answer all your prayers!
Here is something else to consider. Imagine placing your petitions on the paten with the host as the priest lifts it up. And imagine pouring your tears of joy and sorrow into the chalice as the priest pours the wine and water into it.
Remember that the priest prays that “my sacrifice and yours” is acceptable to God at each Mass. So, please keep your special intentions foremost in your mind and heart as you come forward to worthily receive Holy Communion.
“The Eucharist is the shortest and safest way to heaven.” – Pius X
The Pastoral Care of Souls
Pastoral Care treats the human spirit in ways that go beyond healing to holiness of life. The reparative therapy of Soul Care provides a Sacramental Cure for the whole human person in Christ. In the process, people may also experience the healing power of temporary symptom abatement as a respite from their redemptive sufferings.
Repentance (deprogramming) leads to Catechesis (re-education) and results in Conversion (renewal). Sacramental Pastoral Care is thus the therapeutic hallmark of traditional Catholic Christian spirituality. “Resistance is futile; you will be converted!” So, convert to Christ before the world converts you first!
As a pastoral care provider, your parish priest can help discern your spiritual condition and make referrals to spiritual directors and other faith-base counselors for your ongoing spiritual care. At the heart of pastoral care ministry, the focus is on the sacraments of Confession, Communion, and the Anointing of the Sick.
Pope Saint Leo the Great taught us that, after his Ascension into heaven, Christ remains with us until the end of time in the sacraments of his Church. The signs and wonders of the early Church thus continue on in the devout celebration of the sacred liturgy and the sacraments of his Church.
Please contact your parish priest for more information about pastoral care ministries and referrals in and around your parish. Resources include sacramental confession, spiritual direction, and pastoral counseling. For more information, or to reach out to Father James at, please click here. May God bless you and keep always close to His heart!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Fill me with your Spirit so that I may live a new life.
Help me to know you, to love you, and to serve you in this world,
so that I may be happy with you, both now and for all eternity.
Thank you, Lord. Amen.
For information about the Catholic Christian Lifestyle, please click here.
Remember that what we believe with our minds, and value with our hearts,
is manifested in the way that we live our daily lives as Catholic Christians.
Spirituality for a Catholic Christian Lifestyle
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