Christmas: The Nativity of Our Lord

Advent is celebrated on the four Sundays before Christmas. We prayerfully look back to the birth of Christ, and forward to the return of Christ in glory. The later weekdays of Advent, starting on December 17, prepare for the day of Christmas itself. Come and celebrate the Advent of Christ during this holy time of prayer. Also prepare the way of the Lord with your Advent Confession. Please click here for information about going to Confession for Christmas.

Christmas is celebrated with four Masses: the Vigil, during the Night, at Dawn, and during the Day. A week later, on New Year’s Day, we honor the Motherhood of Mary. Christmas concludes with Epiphany Sunday, about twelve days after Christmas. We transition back to ordinary time with the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. Come and prayerfully celebrate with us during Christmas time and throughout the entire Year of Our Lord!

Christmas Carols help us celebrate these great feasts. Please click here for the words to your favorite Carols and then search online for soundtracks to support your family caroling at home. 

Please remember to keep your Christmas decorations up from Christmas Eve until the Feast of the Epiphany or the Twelfth Day of Christmas. And continue your Christmas celebrations as well!

Finally, recall the words of Bing Crosby from and old musical, Say One for Me: “The secret of Christmas is not the things you do at Christmas time, but the Christmas things you do all year through!”