Easter: The Resurrection of Our Lord Lent: Preparing for Easter. For information about the Lenten season, please click here. Lent concludes with Holy Week, as described here:Passion (Palm) Sunday: We bless palms and read the Passion narrative together at all the weekend Masses on the Sunday before Easter.Holy Thursday: We celebrate an evening Mass of the Last Supper, with the Washing of Feet, and Eucharist Devotion.Good Friday: We gather at about 3:00 p.m. to commemorate the Passion of our Lord, and we often pray the Stations of the Cross together as well.Holy Saturday: The sacraments are not celebrated today, as we prepare for the Easter Vigil Service after nightfall, as part of Easter Sunday. Celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the central feast of our Christian faith.Easter Vigil: Keeping a vigil for the Lord, we celebrate the sacraments of Christian Initiation as the first Alleluia of Easter are proclaimed.Easter Sunday: We celebrate the day that Christ conquered death and opened for us the gates of heavenly glory for all who believe in him.Bright Week: For a full week, we celebrate this central event of our Catholic Christian faith. Come and celebrate with us! The Easter Season. For fifty days, we celebrate the glory of Easter and our new life in Jesus Christ.Easter Sundays: We celebrate the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ throughout the Easter Season.Ascension Sunday: We commemorate the enthronement of Christ in heaven, as we await his return in glory.Pentecost Sunday: We celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, to empower us for the Great Commission of Christ. Easter Follow Up. Before we return to ordinary time, we celebrate several feasts with great joy and solemnity.Trinity Sunday: We celebrate the revelation of God as Trinity, and the Nicene Creed which expresses our faith in the Triune God.Corpus Christi: We celebrate the greatest of all sacraments, in which Christ remains with us until he returns in glory at the end of time.Sacred Heart: We honor the heart of Jesus, asking him to transform our hearts to be more and more like his own.