Rejoin or Return? Welcome Back Home!
Welcome! For those who are wondering about, or considering a possible return to their faith, please know that we are here to help you every step of the way. There is no rush. Whatever brought you to the point of rejoining the Church, is not just something, but someone, namely Jesus Christ himself. He is patient with all of us. We can walk together with you at your own pace. But it is not on your terms. It is truly on Jesus’ terms. He is the way to heaven. He is the truth about our human condition. And his life is the only life truly worth living as a Catholic Christian believer. Let us prayerfully take this one step at a time and do it all together. The website,, is a special resource for your spiritual journey back home to Jesus and back home to his Church! For more information about a Catholic Christian lifestyle in the new apostolic age of the church, please click here. Once again, welcome back! Welcome back home!
Step One: Come back to Jesus! – It all begins with Jesus! It is always all about Jesus!
Through a combination of personal prayer, spiritual reading, spiritual direction, and reflection,
we can help you recommit your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord, your God, and your Savior.
Sometimes a parish program or a meeting with a priest or other staff person may be helpful
in taking this first step back to your faith. Come back to Jesus! It is always all about Jesus!
Complete this first step in your journey back home by making a good sacramental Confession,
with a firm purpose of amending your life, converting back to Jesus, and living as his disciple.

Step Two: Come back to Mass! – It continues with worshipping Jesus together!
Start attending Mass regularly each week, making time for personal prayer each day as well.
When Jesus asked us to “do this in memory of me,” he was referring to Communion at Mass.
Prepare for a worthy Communion by resolving any unfinished spiritual business in your life.
We participate fully in the Mass when we worthily and devoutly receive Holy Communion.
Sometimes a meeting with a priest may be needed to address some of these spiritual matters.
Whether it is a moral, spiritual, or doctrinal issue, the wisdom of the Church can help you.
Step Three: Come back to the Church! – It leads us to connect with fellow believers in Jesus!
Join a parish community where you feel welcome, participate in its programs and activities,
support it according to your means, and make it your spiritual home away from home.
Develop a spiritual plan of life to keep you on track and growing as a faithful Christian.
This website and other resources can assist you in this regard.
The three steps described are proven ways for people to come home to Jesus and his Church.
They do not always happen in the order given above, and these steps are also ongoing.

As Catholic Christians, we look upward in faith, move forward in hope, and lead onward in love to new life in Christ!

The Church is a faith community of prayer, learning, and service. Come and join us as intentional disciples of Jesus Christ!