The ChristLife Course is your best source of information about the ChristLife course in our country. Here is a personal commentary on ChristLife. Please also reflect on the following pamphlets: New Life in Christ, Catholic Christian Lifestyles, and the Kerygmatic Movement. Then, find a ChristLife course near you!

Discovering Christ
leads us into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as a community of disciples. The “who” and the “why” come before the “what” and the “how.” So, come for the experience of discovering Christ!

Following Christ
helps us embrace a vibrant Catholic Christian lifestyle as our personal Plan of Life. The Catholic Christian life is the only lifestyle that is truly worth living. So, stay for the journey as an intentional disciple of Christ!

Sharing Christ
shows us how to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior. We make friends, we become friends, and we bring friends to Christ. Then, go forth on a mission as an ambassador of Christ!

The ChristLife Course is at the forefront of other approaches to the New Evangelization

Win – Build – Send is another excellent way to approach Discovering, Following, and Sharing Christ. Please check out the Fellowship of Catholic University Students at for more information. 

Make Disciples – Build Community – Inspire Witness is another way to approach Discovering, Following, and Sharing Christ. Please go to for more information in this regard.

Foundations for Discipleship by Curtis Martin and Edward Sri is another valuable guide for understanding the threefold approach of Discovering, Following, and Sharing Christ as a Catholic Christian believer.

The Rescue Project, led by Father John Riccardo and part of his Acts XXIX ministry, promotes the making, molding, and missioning of disciples as yet another approach to “disciple-shift” in the Church community today.

The ChristLife Course presents the full Gospel message in a thoroughly Catholic context, as a vital part of the new Apostolic Age of the Church!
Learn how you can become an effective Evangelical Catholic Christian by taking the Christ Life Course for the New Evangelization in your parish!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me, a sinner.

Fill me with your Spirit,
so that I may live a new life.

Help me to know you, to love you,
and to serve you in this world,
so that I may be happy with you
both now and for all eternity.

Thank you, Lord. Amen.

After you sincerely recite this prayer with your whole heart, seal your commitment to Jesus Christ
by making a good Confession in preparation for your next worthy reception of Holy Communion.

Yes, there is Life after ChristLife! The ChristLife course is just the beginning of your new life in Jesus Christ!  In addition to becoming a ChristLife small group leader, there are many wonderful ways to follow up and follow through on the ChristLife experience.  As Catholic Christian believers, we have a dual vocation to both holiness of life and to missionary discipleship.

Please click here for information on ChristLife Reflect.
Please click here for information about Acts XXIX.
Please click here for information about Encounter Ministries.
Please click here for information about FOCUS Ministries.
Please click here for information about Renewal Ministries.