The Religious Education of Children
For parents to effectively promote and share their Catholic Christian faith with their children, three things are necessary.
Mass Attendance
Go to Mass as a family each week and get involved in our parish events and activities. Remember to pray at home each day as well.
Religion Classes
Attend all eight years of religion classes as part of the regular parish faith formation and sacramental preparation program for children.
Home Study
Enhance or supplement your parish’s religion classes with online lessons. Please click here for information about a home study program.
Even after Confirmation, there are many in-person and online resources for continuing religious education and spiritual growth.
The Catechism of the Heart provides talking points for learning and reviewing the basics of our Catholic Christian faith, for children and for adults alike.
- Lesson 1: Basic prayers that everyone should know by heart. Feel free to add other prayers as well, but always start with these prayers.
- Lesson 2: Knowing the Mass prayers by heart is essential for fully participating in the liturgy, especially before First Communion.
- Lesson 3: Learning the Confession prayers by heart fosters regular Confession, especially after First Confession and First Communion.
- Lesson 4: The seven sacraments are at the core of our religious spirituality. Christ saves and guides us through the grace of the Sacraments.
- Lesson 5: The ten commandments are the foundation of our morality. Go beyond the letter of the law to fulfill its spirit in daily life.
- Lesson 6: The precepts of the church promote the practice of our faith as active members of our local parish community.
- Lesson 7: The virtues are the foundation of our spiritual lifestyle, making a moral difference in how we relate to others.
- Lesson 8: The gifts of the Spirit empower us to live holy lives. Knowing the basic gospel message helps us live it out in daily life.