The Rescue Project

Lenten Mission. Although appropriate for any time of the year, the Rescue Project provides an online and on-demand novena of nine inspiring videos from the Rescue Project. Please see a suggested schedule for the Lenten season. For more information about the Rescue Project, please go to

Lenten Observances. For Lenten Observances that make a difference, please go to Lent is a privileged time for going to Confession and reflecting on the Stations of the Cross. Please check your parish Sunday bulletin for more information about Lent.

Lenten Mission Schedule: RescueProject.US
First Sunday of Lent: The Importance of Stories
Second Sunday of Lent: Why is there something rather than nothing?
Third Sunday of Lent: Why is everything so obviously messed up?
Fourth Sunday of Lent: It gets worse!
Fifth Sunday of Lent: What, if anything, has God done about it?
Passion (Palm) Sunday: What difference does it make?
Holy Thursday: Words are not enough.
Good Friday: What does he want from me?
Holy Saturday: Getting clarity on the mission.

To download your own copy of the participant’s guide to the Rescue Project videos, please click here.
For Father John Riccardo’s book, Rescued, please click here. For a pamphlet on the four core issues, please click here.
Looking to go even deeper yet into your faith?  Please click here for information about the ChristLife course.

For information about the importance of the ancient Jesus Prayer and its profound spirituality, please click here.