The Holy Eucharist is a great resource for benefiting the most from the national Eucharistic Revival that recently took place in our country.
The Holy Eucharist is explained and applied to our lives very well in this special Eucharistic section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church, from the American Bishops, teaches us how to receive the Eucharist worthily and well.
The Veil Removed is a short video that helps us experience what really happens when we devoutly celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Our overall Spiritual Vision is that we are on the forefront of a new Apostolic Age of the Church, that is, on a mission from Christ as Catholic Christian believers. Our sacred mission means living and loving our holy Faith so fully that we draw many people of good will to convert to Christ as their God as well. And the more that we share our faith, the more we grow in faith.
Through prayer, learning, and service as parish communities of faith, we become the change that Christ wants to make throughout the whole world. Our overall Spiritual Strategy involves Unwavering Christocentrism, Affirmative Orthodoxy, and Sacramental Spirituality. The ChristLife course helps us transform these principles into life-changing realities.

Ongoing Spiritual Renewal is not just for Lent anymore. It is at the core of our Christian life. If repentance is a real turning point in our lives, then penance keeps us on track throughout our lives with necessary midcourse corrections. Our Lenten Observances can help us appreciate more deeply our need for ongoing conversion in life. Meditating on the Stations of the Cross are also very helpful to us in our spiritual progress in life as well.
Renewal through Confession. As forgiven sinners, we recognize that the solution to all of our problems is not a well-intentioned program but rather a person, Jesus Christ our Savior and our Lord! For a guide to the sacrament of Penance, please click here. Confession is not just about resolving guilt; it is about spiritual growth and virtuous wisdom. For finding deeper closure in our spiritual lives after Confession, please click here.
Renewal through the Eucharist. Each time we worthily receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, we renew the Covenant of our Baptism in a most excellent way. When we fully participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we ought to receive Holy Communion both sacramentally and spiritually as well. When we know most of the prayer of the Mass by heart, we can pray them from our hearts and minds and souls. For guide to the Mass prayers, please click here.
The History of the Mass. Current historical studies, for both the western and eastern rites of the church, reveal many developments and enhancements that brought the sacred liturgy to the forms that flourished about five hundred years ago. The form of the liturgy in the fourth century was largely unknown at the time of the Council of Trent and the Reforms of Patriarch Nikon. These historical records are still having a spiritual impact on our liturgies today.
While this might be considered arguably controversial, it appears that, on the basis of historical studies, the Novus Ordo of the Roman Rite is closer in form to the liturgy of the fourth century than either the western Tridentine Mass or the eastern Divine Liturgy. If the Novus Ordo is celebrated reverently and correctly, it can be just as solemn and prayerful as the “traditional” liturgies of Christendom. Further research and dialogue are needed on these points.
We are looking upward in faith, moving forward in hope, and leading onward in love, to new life in Christ!
We are a faith community of prayer, learning, and service. Come and join us as Intentional Disciples of Jesus Christ!
Become one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, by embracing a Catholic Christian lifestyle in the church!