Blessings upon Blessings
God wants to bless us! He has always blessed us. He is blessing us right now. His original blessing was given to us in the goodness of creation. God created us in love for goodness and happiness in a relationship with Him. Although we turned away from God through sin, God did not forsake us, but sent us His Son to share with us an even greater blessing, the blessing of forgiveness and salvation, in which we become a new creation in Christ. When we repent of our sins, come back to God, and believe in his Gospel, we receive the greatest blessing of all, the gift of salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ our Savior.
As we turn our lives around to Christ in the community of his church, many wonderful blessings unfold in our lives. The gifts, the fruits, the virtues, and the powers of the Holy Spirit are some of those many blessings that come to us. Do you need to be blessed? Remember why God created us. Admit that we turned away from Him through sin. Rejoice in that He sent Christ to us as our Savior. Then experience the many blessings that come to us through the sacraments of his church. And look forward to all the eternal blessings that will come to us forever in heavenly glory and even more so at the end of time.
Do you want to be blessed? Reflect on the spiritual blessings that are listed below on this page. Ponder the blessings of a truly Catholic Christian Lifestyle. The world as we know it is not how God created it to be. But God has blessed us by recreating the world anew through Christ. Receive this spiritual blessing. Become a blessing to others by word and example. God wants to bless us with salvation right now, and his offer only expires when we expire. So, while there is still yet time in our passing mortal lives, accept His offer of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Come and receive God’s blessings! Come and receive them now!
God bless you! There is a lot of talk today about “blessings.” What are blessings? Who can receive blessings? What difference do blessings make? The Bible tells us to “bless those who curse us, and to pray for those who persecute us.” So, blessings are not just for family and friends, or even just for fellow believers. For example, at the conclusion of every Mass, a general blessing is given to everyone who happens to be present in the church building. What is more, those who are truly “blessed,” cannot help but become a blessing to others in both word and deed, bringing people to repentance and salvation. By the way, the word blessing means a “good word,” or a “bene-diction,” and what the world needs right now is more good words that are followed up by even more good deeds. For more information about the many spiritual blessings that come to us through a Catholic Christian lifestyle of faith, please click here. God bless you!
May the Lord bless you and keep you! May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you!
May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you his peace! – Numbers 6:24-26
God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son,
has reconciled the world to himself and poured out the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of our sins.
Through the ministry of the church, God grants us the blessings of pardon and peace!
The Lord in his love and mercy helps us with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord who frees us from sin saves us and raises us up.
Let us repent of our sins and receive the blessings of the Gospel!
The Body of the Lord has been given up for us as a saving sacrifice for our sins.
The Blood of the new covenant has been poured out for the forgiveness of our sins.
Let us always thankfully remember how Christ has blessed us with the gift of salvation!